إرشادات مقترحات البحث معلومات خط الزمن الفهارس الخرائط الصور الوثائق الأقسام

مقاتل من الصحراء
نص مبادرة مجلس قيادة الثورة العراقي Statement by the Iraqi Revolution Command Council تابع
القائمة   عربي   الصفحة السابقة  الصفحة الأولى 



1990 - whether on land, seas, oceans or gulfs - including the weapons and equipment That certain countries provided to Israel under the pretext of the crisis in the Gulf; provided that these forces, weapons and equipment are withdrawn during a period not exceeding one month from the date of the cease-fire.



Israel must withdraw from Palestine and the Arab territories it is occupying in the Golan and southern Lebanon, in implementation of UN Security Council and UN General Assembly resolutions. In the case that Israel fails to do this, the UN Security Council should then enforce against Israel the same resolutions it passed against Iraq.



Iraq's historical rights on land and at sea should be guaranteed in full in any peaceful solution.



The political arrangement to be agreed upon should proceed from the people's will and in accordance with genuine democratic practice and not on the basis of the rights acquired by the Al Sabah family. Accordingly, the nationalist and Islamic forces should primarily participate in the political arrangement to be agreed upon.

       Second: The countries which have participated in the aggression and in financing the aggression should undertake to reconstruct what the aggression has destroyed in Iraq in accordance with the optimum specifications regarding all the enterprises and installations targeted by the aggression, and at their expense. Iraq should not incur any financial expenses in this regard.

      Third: All the debts owed by Iraq and the countries of the region which had been harmed by the aggression and which did not take part in the aggression, either directly or indirectly, to the Gulf countries and to the foreign countries which took part in the aggression should be written off. Besides, relations between the rich nations and poor nations in the region and the world should be based on justice and fairness in such a way that puts the rich nations before clear commitments regarding the realization of development in poor nations, thus removing their economic suffering. This should be based on the saying that the poor must share a claim to the wealth of the rich. Moreover, the duplicitous approach pursued in handling the issues of peoples and nations should be halted, whether this approach is being pursued by the UN Security Council or by this or that country.

      Fourth: The Gulf States, including Iran, should be given the task of freely drawing up  security arrangements in the region, and of organizing relations among them without any foreign interference.

      Fifth: To declare the Arabian Gulf region a zone free of foreign military bases and from any form of foreign military presence. Everybody must undertake to observe this.

      This is our argument, which we declare before the world, clear and shining against the traitors and their imperialist masters.

      Our basic source of confidence, in addition to our reliance on the one and only God, remains our great Iraqi people, our valiant and struggling armed forces, and those who believe in the path which we have chosen in fighting oppression and the oppressors. Victory will certainly be realized against the oppressors in the coming days, as it had been certain in past times. God is with us. May the despicable be damned.

[Signed] The Revolution Command Council.
[Dated] 29th Rejab 1411 AH, corresponding to 15 February 1991.


القائمة   عربي   الصفحة السابقة  الصفحة الأولى